OpenSimulator Community Conference 2019 – December 14 – 15, 2019
The OpenSimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the developer and user community creating the OpenSimulator software. Organized by AvaCon, the virtual conference features presentations, workshops, keynote sessions, and community social events and tours across diverse sectors of the OpenSimulator user base.
More info at and to register, go to
Community social events can be scheduled on dates leading up to the conference on Saturday 12/14/19, and after 6PM PDT on Sunday 12/15/19, or any time in the days following. Submit your community event for us to add to this conference schedule.
Events taking place Saturday, December 14, and Sunday, December 15 will be live simulcast streamed to:
december 2019
07dec12:00 am1:00 pmLoad test and Pre-OSCC Party12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Details
Join us for a load test and party at Noon Pacific time on the OSCC Keynote Regions Saturday, Dec 7th. DJ Rosa Alekseev will be spinning some fantastic tunes. Come to
Event Details
Join us for a load test and party at Noon Pacific time on the OSCC Keynote Regions Saturday, Dec 7th. DJ Rosa Alekseev will be spinning some fantastic tunes.
Come to party, meet the Organizers, schmooze with presenters and accidentally helps us load test.
DJ Resident in different games, Reggae Life Shops´owner, Kitely’s Events Organizer, Builder, Member of IMA Chamber of Commerce (in Virtual Life)
(Saturday) 12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Speakers for this event
DJ Rosa Alekseev
DJ Rosa Alekseev
Rosa Alekseev is DJ Resident in different games, Reggae Life Shops´owner, Kitely's Events Organizer, Builder, Member of IMA Chamber of Commerce (in Virtual Life)
Event Details
The artists of ADRET WEB ART, surrounded this time by the poet Denis Morin, the painter Ieko Catnap, the builder Cheops Forlife, the creator of script code Jeff Hall -
Event Details
The artists of ADRET WEB ART, surrounded this time by the poet Denis Morin, the painter Ieko Catnap, the builder Cheops Forlife, the creator of script code Jeff Hall – all francophones from Quebec and France – offer this time the idea of a concrete exhibition of abstract painting that can be viewed in 3D immersive visual – thanks to the avatar – and in an audio environment : interpretation with the voices of Jacqueline and Jean Claude Barral of Adret Web Art
Les artistes d’ADRET WEBART entourés cette fois du poête Denis Morin, de la peintre Ieko Catnap, de la buildeuse Cheops Forlife, le createur de code script Jeff Hall -tous francophones du Quebec et de France-offrent cette fois l’idée concrétisée d’une expo de peinture abstraite que l’on peut visiter en visuel immersif 3D -grâce à l’avatar- et dans un environnement audio : interprétation avec les voix de Jacqueline et Jean Claude Barral d’Adret Web art
(Tuesday) 2:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Details
ISM Exhibit Building Chair Mike Lorrey will personally lead and narrate a tour of the ISMuseum region in Kitely, with detailed explanations of the many exhibited rockets, spacecraft, and astronaut/pioneer
Event Details
ISM Exhibit Building Chair Mike Lorrey will personally lead and narrate a tour of the ISMuseum region in Kitely, with detailed explanations of the many exhibited rockets, spacecraft, and astronaut/pioneer exhibits.
Come prepared to listen in voice. The first hour will be a tour with a considerable narrative explanation.
Tour will be followed by a dance party in the Rocket Ring with DJ Rosa Alekseev.
Public or Invitation Only: Open to All
Maturity Rating: Appropriate for All Ages (G)
Grid Name: Kitely
Grid Website:
HyperGrid Enabled? Yes
HyperGrid URL:
Region Name: ISMuseum
Map Coordinates: 128,128, 25
Parcel/Venue Name: ISMuseum Southwest,Rocket Ring
(Friday) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm PST
International Spaceflight Museum
International Spaceflight MuseumMike Lorrey
Speakers for this event
Mike Lorrey / Mike Lorrey
Mike Lorrey / Mike Lorrey
Developer, Naboo in Kitely
Mike has been a virtual worlds developer in SL and OS for 14 years. While in SL, he capitalized Central Grid, the first major opensim grid, in 2008. Involved in SL as an estate owner, developer of the first virtual stock exchanges, owner of racing and combat sims, leader of the Save Our Sims movement. Today he is the developer of the Naboo region in Kitely with plans to open StarWars RP activities, and is chair of the exhibit building committee for the International Spaceflight Museum. He develops a wide range of content for sale on the Kitely market, and builds and scripts for a number of clients.
Developer, Naboo in Kitely
13dec6:00 pm9:00 pmMagnolia Gardens Party6:00 pm - 9:00 pm PST
Event Details
Come explore Magnolia Gardens of Knowledge, interact with the DiTAs (digital teaching assistants designed to guide new users learning to use the SceneGate Viewer), relax, fish, ride the jet skis,
Event Details
Come explore Magnolia Gardens of Knowledge, interact with the DiTAs (digital teaching assistants designed to guide new users learning to use the SceneGate Viewer), relax, fish, ride the jet skis, or dance the night away! Music will be live from 6-9 pm PT. Entertainers to be announced. The venue is lakeside but beachwear is not required. For those needing beachwear, freebies are available at the venue’s Beech Box Hut. Danceball NPCs are available in beachwear.
If you land in the default Depot region, select Magnolia Gardens on the quick teleport board. If you use the teleport system with the image, select Magnolia Gardens in the list then click the picture to teleport, then enter the gardens through the archway. If for some odd reason (due to avatar traffic) you arrive inside the lighthouse, click the yellow cylinder to teleport to the venue.
The region is Gloebit enabled but no one is obligated to tip or donate. If you would like to leave a Gloebit tip for the entertainers, click your balance at the top of the viewer to authorize Gloebits when you arrive. Entertainers also accept PayPal tips for those without Gloebits.
- Public or Invitation Only: Open to All
- Maturity Rating: Appropriate for Mature Audiences (M)
- Grid Name: Metaverse Depot
- Grid Website:
:8002/wifi/welcome.html - HyperGrid Enabled?: Yes
- HyperGrid URL:
:8002:ima%20outpost%20alpha - HyperGrid Region Coordinates: 1004 1021
- Website to Create a Local Account:
:8002 - Region Name: IMA Outpost Alpha
- Map Coordinates: 640/144/22
- Parcel/Venue Name: Magnolia Gardens
Anything else we should know?: A weekly IMA community meeting is scheduled at 5 pm PT in the region before the event so feel free to join us! Attendees must be at least 18 years of age.
(Friday) 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm PST
Magnolia Gardens
Speakers for this event
Lisa Laxton
Lisa Laxton
R&D, CEO Infinite Metaverse Alliance
Lisa Laxton is the R&D Visionary and CEO of the OpenSimulator community focused Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA). She is also President of Laxton Consulting LLC with experience providing various virtual world technology solutions for education, research, business, and defense clients. You may have seen her around the HyperGrid as Shelenn Ayres busy building content or engaged in testing but she is available via meetings to anyone in the Open Simulator community interested in collaborating to advance virtual worlds technology and/or to improve accessibility.
R&D, CEO Infinite Metaverse Alliance

Event Details
Welcome to the 7th annual OpenSimulator Community Conference. This year's event features presenters across the globe who will be highlighting the user projects and core development work of the OpenSimulator
Event Details
Welcome to the 7th annual OpenSimulator Community Conference. This year’s event features presenters across the globe who will be highlighting the user projects and core development work of the OpenSimulator platform. We will kick off #OSCC19 with an overview of the latest features in the OpenSimulator 0.9.1 software update and conversation with Core Developers of the platform.
Find out where the platform is headed and learn more about the developers who make the software happen!
OpenSimulator is an open-source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server. It can be used to create a virtual environment (or world) that can be accessed through a variety of clients, on multiple protocols. It also has an optional facility (the Hypergrid) to allow users to visit other OpenSimulator installations across the web from their ‘home’ OpenSimulator installation. In this way, it is the basis of a nascent distributed Metaverse.
(Saturday) 7:00 am - 7:20 am PST
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Crista Lopes
Crista Lopes
University of California Irvine, Professor & OpenSimulator Core Developer
Crista Lopes (Diva Canto) is a professor within the Department of Informatics, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California Irvine ( and a core OpenSimulator developer. She developed Hypergrid, which is a federation architecture and protocol for OpenSimulator virtual worlds that supports the seamless transfer of avatar user agents and assets between them. She has also developed the OnLook viewer (, a test case for developing a viewer native to OpenSimulator with programmable modular UI. In 2016, Crista was the first woman to be awarded the $10,000 Pizzigati Prize that honors software developers who are working to develop open source applications that aid activists and nonprofits involved in struggles for social change. You can view her code contributions to OpenSimulator here: and code repositories on Github here:
University of California Irvine, Professor & OpenSimulator Core Developer
Joyce Bettencourt
Joyce Bettencourt
AvaCon, Inc., Co-Founder
Joyce Bettencourt is co-founder and Vice President of AvaCon, Inc.(, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality and 3D immersive spaces. AvaCon were organizers of 2010 in Boston & 2011 in Oakland Second Life Community Convention, the Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds virtual workshops, and the ongoing OpenSimulator Community Conference. AvaCon also currently fiscally sponsors the nonprofit community of practice, Nonprofit Commons in Second Life, where Joyce has been a community leader and host of weekly Friday meetings. In addition, she is Creative Director of The Vesuvius Group (, a collaborative studio specializing in developing online immersive and social environments for community-building. Joyce is a 2012 graduate of the Singularity University Graduate Studies program, focused on applying exponential technologies to addressing Global Grand Challenges. Previously she was digital media producer for the Online Leadership Program at the educational nonprofit Global Kids and helped produce digital media learning content including the Second Life Curriculum, many virtual and physical world events, and the social issue game CONSENT! As her avatar Rhiannon Chatnoir, she has organized numerous social good online events, including the Virtual Haiti Relief campaign within the virtual world of Second Life that helped raise awareness and $10,000 USD in virtual micro transactions.
AvaCon, Inc., Co-Founder
Kevin Cozens
Kevin Cozens
OpenSimulator Core Developer
Kevin has been coding for open-source projects since 1992 including being a member of the OpenSimulator Core Developer team since March of 2014, and created, or maintains several add-on modules including the OpenSimSearch (, OpenSimProfile (, and OpenSimMutelist ( modules which are used with the Open Simulator project. You can also find him reporting bugs, bug triaging, updating the OpenImulator project wiki pages, and helping users via IRC or the mailing list. Kevin also runs the OpenSimulator developer meetings held weekly in OSgrid ( You can view his code contributions: or support him by becoming a Patreon donor to the work he does on open-source code projects:
OpenSimulator Core Developer
Melanie Milland
Melanie Milland
OpenSimulator Core Developer
As an OpenSimulator Core Developer, Melanie has been one of the most active contributors to virtual world software in general, and OpenSimulator in particular. As her avatar "Melanie Milland", she was a long-time Second Life™ resident and gained much experience in using virtual worlds. Melanie has been involved in a number of virtual world projects including creating, with a team of up to 12 developers, her own "spin" of the OpenSimulator software which powered the Avination Grid. Much of the grid's code, when shared back to the core code, was the base for many of the new OpenSimulator 0.9 update features. You can view her code contributions to OpenSimulator here:
OpenSimulator Core Developer
Robert Adams / Misterblue Waves
Robert Adams / Misterblue Waves
OpenSimulator Core Developer, BulletSim
Robert Adams has been an OpenSimulator core developer for many years. His OpenSimulator work includes the BulletSim physics engine, the DSG (distributed scene graph) simulator experiment, and many performance improvements. Outside OpenSimulator, he has been a computer developer and researcher for 40 years. He has a current interest in distributed simulation and robotics.
OpenSimulator Core Developer, BulletSim
Ubit Umarov
Ubit Umarov
OpenSimulator Core Developer
Ubit is currently a lead Core Developer for OpenSimulator who has been working on the project since 2012. He was instrumental in coding and implementing into the OpenSimulator codebase many of the updates that were part of the OpenSimulator 0.9 update and developing many of the OpenSimulator 0.9.1 and upcoming releases. View his code contributions online: and please support this key developer by donating to him directly:
OpenSimulator Core Developer
Event Details
The OSCC grid has only recently upgraded to an up-to-date version of OpenSim 0.9.1 just in time for this conference. This is good news, but what exactly is good about
Event Details
The OSCC grid has only recently upgraded to an up-to-date version of OpenSim 0.9.1 just in time for this conference. This is good news, but what exactly is good about it? This talk will list a bunch of the bugs that have been fixed since OpenSim 0.8.2. This is intended to be a fun performance talk were, for each slide we will stop and demonstrate a scripted object that works better in the latest versions of OpenSim. So there will be cannon firing, painting in the air with prims, throwing tomatoes at the audience (SPLAT!) , etc.
(Saturday) 7:30 am - 7:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Mike Higgins / Kayaker Magic
Mike Higgins / Kayaker Magic
Ocean Engineer, Ocean Engineering
Kayaker Magic has been a tester for OpenSim for many years and submitted many bug reports. Some of the features he will be talking about are fixes to bugs he reported himself! He gave a presentation at OSCC several years ago about the “Sad Sorry State of Weapons Developent in OpenSim”. Things are much better now! Kayaker is a prolific writer of LSL scripts for OpenSim and you may have seen some his work all over the Metaverse.
Ocean Engineer, Ocean Engineering
Mike Lorrey / Mike Lorrey
Mike Lorrey / Mike Lorrey
Developer, Naboo in Kitely
Mike has been a virtual worlds developer in SL and OS for 14 years. While in SL, he capitalized Central Grid, the first major opensim grid, in 2008. Involved in SL as an estate owner, developer of the first virtual stock exchanges, owner of racing and combat sims, leader of the Save Our Sims movement. Today he is the developer of the Naboo region in Kitely with plans to open StarWars RP activities, and is chair of the exhibit building committee for the International Spaceflight Museum. He develops a wide range of content for sale on the Kitely market, and builds and scripts for a number of clients.
Developer, Naboo in Kitely
Event Details
Opensimulator has many faces. One is the ability to save the world. Opensimulator runs everywhere. Even on the Moon and on Mars and in THE WRONG router. Recently the Brain
Event Details
Opensimulator has many faces. One is the ability to save the world. Opensimulator runs everywhere. Even on the Moon and on Mars and in THE WRONG router. Recently the Brain of Art was transferred to Mars. This talk shall be taken very seriously as it focuses on THE FAKED VR, an opensim application presented first at THE WRONG Biennale, the biggest digital art show in the world, which started on November 1, 2019.
(Saturday) 8:00 am - 8:20 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Kisma Reidling / Juliette Surreal-Dreaming
Kisma Reidling / Juliette Surreal-Dreaming
Co-Curator of 1Biennale
Juliette is the co-curator of 1Biennale and organizes the Hypergrid Hoppers. It is similar to HG Safari, but only once a month and not weekly.
Co-Curator of 1Biennale
Reiner Schneeberger / Art Blue
Reiner Schneeberger / Art Blue
AI Developer & Art Curator
Art Blue is known as the most gifted conference speaker because his brain is controlled by an AI, in fact an owl made by Tyrell-Weyland. Luckily he will get assistance by Juliette Surreal-D from Newport Beach, CA -- this way to ensure that his words are made for humans. Reiner stands in ROT13 for ERVA.RE -- at this webpage you get more about his creation Art Blue.
AI Developer & Art Curator
Event Details
How can an OAR be brought to Google Cardboard. The first steps I did by using the tool “Transforming an OAR to Unity” which is provided by Fumi Iseki, Austin
Event Details
How can an OAR be brought to Google Cardboard. The first steps I did by using the tool “Transforming an OAR to Unity” which is provided by Fumi Iseki, Austin Tate, Daichi Mizumaki und Kohe Suzuki. The tool was presented by Austin Tate in OSCC18.
The transformation, I did it by using Ubuntu Unix, turns the OAR content into DAE files which I imported to Unity. Then I embedded the functions that Google provides for Cardboard development with Unity. Next step was to create an intuitive navigation tool for Google Cardboard users. The tool provides ways of exploring the OAR/virtual world inside a Google Cardboard app, similar to moving an Avatar in Opensimulator. Just there is no such thing as an Avatar in the Google Cardboard because you always have a First Person VR view. The navigation tool I developed provides these basic functions: Fast Fly, Fly, Walk, Stand and Teleport-Home. That is in fact not all. A tuning of collision and various timer settings had to be done.
THE FAKED VR app, which I will demonstrate, gives a working example everyone can download from the Google Play Store.
(Saturday) 8:30 am - 8:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Georg Schneeberger / Herzstein Dev
Georg Schneeberger / Herzstein Dev
Computer Science / AI Development
I finished these days my Bachelor in Computer Science (AI Development) at the University of Malta. I took a class in Opensimulator my father lectured when I was at high school . Now I developed a tool for the benefit of this world which I want to present. I search for a high paid job in software development. *LOL*
Computer Science / AI Development
14dec9:00 am9:29 amBREAKExpo Zone Tour Time9:00 am - 9:29 am Event TagsBreak
Event Details
Join us for some time exploring the many Sponsor, Crowdfunder, and speaker booths along with HyperGrid resources and art installations across the OSCC Expo Zones. Speaker booths are located in
Event Details
Join us for some time exploring the many Sponsor, Crowdfunder, and speaker booths along with HyperGrid resources and art installations across the OSCC Expo Zones. Speaker booths are located in OSCC Expo Zone 3 and there are extensive Hypergrid resources and links to many HyperGrid enabled OpenSimulator grids to explore.
(Saturday) 9:00 am - 9:29 am
OSCC Expo Regions
Event Details
Eureka World\'s platform is an interconnecting system which educational resources such as teachers, students, mentors and developers are seamlessly work together. Eureka World unique platform integrates into classrooms’ ecosystem to make
Event Details
Eureka World’s platform is an interconnecting system which educational resources such as teachers, students, mentors and developers are seamlessly work together.
Eureka World unique platform integrates into classrooms’ ecosystem to make every person with the opportunity to maximize their potential and create real lives full of satisfaction, value and happiness.
(Saturday) 9:30 am - 9:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Ori Shapira / turh zane
Ori Shapira / turh zane
Founder, CEO, Head of Pedagogy & Tech / Eureka World
Eureka World - A world of learning High-tech entrepreneur over 28 years of experience in learning technologies, 10 years of research and development virtual worlds. The head of Eureka World project for the past 6 years. A learning OpenSimulator virtual world that works in 150 schools in Israel. 40 Projects: Globe – Global NASA project for measuring weather patterns Kadima – Connecting Jewish communities in Israel and across the world Simulations: ERS – Emergency Event Management Simulator – MADA Social gym for social skills for gifted students Enosh – Simulating integrated with regular work Study Units (partial list) Jerusalem Day Game Virtual Haifa 3 Years Mediation Room for Conflicts – Special Behavioral Education
Founder, CEO, Head of Pedagogy & Tech / Eureka World
Event Details
The 2 kilometre Wapping Tunnel was the first railway tunnel to run under city streets and a major achievement when it opened in 1830. It connected the Liverpool docks to
Event Details
The 2 kilometre Wapping Tunnel was the first railway tunnel to run under city streets and a major achievement when it opened in 1830. It connected the Liverpool docks to the first modern railway, the Liverpool & Manchester, and took raw materials, notably cotton, to the factories in and around Manchester. This talk examines the potential and problems in using OpenSim to model the construction and operation of this landmark tunnel.
(Saturday) 10:00 am - 10:20 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Graham Mills
Graham Mills
University Academic Retired
Graham Mills is a retired university academic with an amateur interest in the history of Liverpool and its railways. He uses OpenSim as an aid to better understanding issues of place and scale in historical contexts
University Academic Retired
Event Details
PILGRIMS: Professional Identity and Leadership Growth in Metaverse Simulations Join Spinoza, Lyr, Delightful, & JJ as they present three immersive 3D simulations designed to help participants assess their professional identity
Event Details
PILGRIMS: Professional Identity and Leadership Growth in Metaverse Simulations
Join Spinoza, Lyr, Delightful, & JJ as they present three immersive 3D simulations designed to help participants assess their professional identity and strengths for leading teams through complex challenges.
(Saturday) 10:30 am - 10:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Andrew Stricker / Spinoza Quinnell
Andrew Stricker / Spinoza Quinnell
Instructional Architect
Dr. Andrew Stricker serves Air University as a distributed learning architect. In this role he helps to apply advances in learning and assessment sciences into U.S. Air Force educational and professional military education programs. Prior to his arrival to Air University Andrew served Vanderbilt University as Associate Provost for Innovation Through Technology. He was responsible for working with academic, technology and administrative leaders to prioritize, plan, and enable innovations for improving learning, teaching and research. Dr. Stricker also spent four years at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, creating and then serving as Director of the Cognition and Instructional Technologies Laboratory, and Director of the Knowledge Engineering Complex with the Texas Engineering Extension Service. He retired from the United States Air Force with 28 years of professional experience as an Air Force officer and scientist specializing in systems integration, human-factors engineering and cognitive sciences. His graduate work was conducted at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas and Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. He is a member of the American Psychological Association. His current research addresses developmental growth in reflective mindsets and contemplative practices. Dr. Stricker also engages in collaborative design of assistive immersive 3D virtual and augmented reality simulations for helping to improve complex problem-solving among teams.
Instructional Architect
Barbara Truman / Delightful Doowangle
Barbara Truman / Delightful Doowangle
UCF Graduate Faculty & Simulation Researcher
Dr. Barbara Truman serves as a Strategic Advisor for Immersive Learning & Collaboration in the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Simulation & Training in Orlando. At UCF, Barbara founded an award-winning department representing Online@UCF. Her background is in Instructional Systems Design, Human Performance Technology, and Computer Science, Emerging Media. Barbara has also served as the Community Manager for the US Army's Military Open Simulation Enterprise Strategy (MOSES) Project.
UCF Graduate Faculty & Simulation Researcher
Cynthia Calongne / Lyr Lobo
Cynthia Calongne / Lyr Lobo
OSCC Co-Chair, Professor
Dr. Cynthia Calongne, aka Lyr Lobo, is a Professor at Colorado Technical University and CCCOnline. She taught 52 university classes held in virtual worlds and conducts virtual world research at Virtual Harmony. As a software engineer, she worked with Air Force Space Command and with the U.S. Space Foundation during the Space Shuttle Challenger crash. A pioneer for 3D immersive education and games for change, she received the Thinkerer award at the 2017 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education, and her team won the $25,000 Grand Prize in the Federal Virtual World Challenge for their space simulation the Mars Expedition Strategy Challenge. Slides:
OSCC Co-Chair, Professor
JJ Jacobson / JJ Drinkwater
JJ Jacobson / JJ Drinkwater
Sci-Fi Librarian
JJ Drinkwater is a Virtual Librarian in a Real World, or a Real Librarian in a Virtual World, or both, or neither. Curatorial experience includes the real & imaginary 19th c, American Culinary History, and Speculative Fiction. Current research is Interactive/Immersive/Improvisatory Narrative in Virtual Environments.
Sci-Fi Librarian
14dec11:00 am11:20 amFeaturedState of the OpenSimulator CommunityMaria Korolov11:00 am - 11:20 am
(Saturday) 11:00 am - 11:20 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Maria Korolov
Maria Korolov
Author, Editor / Hypergrid Business
Maria Korolov is a published author and covers artificial intelligence for CIO magazine and cybersecurity for CSO online. She is also the editor of Hypergrid Business since 2009. During her twenty years as a journalist, she's run a business news bureau in Shanghai, covered wars in the former Soviet Union, and wrote about local politics for the Chicago Tribune. But none of that prepared her for covering OpenSimulator, which has been both intensely frustrating and infinitely enjoyable.
Author, Editor / Hypergrid Business
Event Details
This is a special session for #OSCC19 speakers, crowdfunders, and volunteers to be able to ask questions of several developers of the OpenSimulator platform
Event Details
This is a special session for #OSCC19 speakers, crowdfunders, and volunteers to be able to ask questions of several developers of the OpenSimulator platform
(Saturday) 11:30 am - 12:20 pm
Staff Zone 1
14dec11:30 am12:29 pmMEAL BREAKExpo Zone Tour Time11:30 am - 12:29 pm
(Saturday) 11:30 am - 12:29 pm
OSCC Expo Regions
Event Details
Join us in a panel looking at the social worlds and the future of the Metaverse.
Event Details
Join us in a panel looking at the social worlds and the future of the Metaverse.
(Saturday) 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Adam Frisby
Adam Frisby
CEO / Sine Wave Entertainment
CEO / Sine Wave Entertainment
Blair MacIntyre
Blair MacIntyre
Principal Research Scientist, Mozilla
Principal Research Scientist, Mozilla
Ghoster Smith
Ghoster Smith
VsChat, Altspace, HiFi, RecRoom, NeosVR
Ghoster has been a part of the VR community for the last 3 years in various social programs like VrChat, Altspace, HiFi, RecRoom, NeosVR, along with a few other game based communities. I've done VR camerawork for around 2 years now for multiple different shows. I've started and made a successful forum that promotes and give easy access for people to commission avatars for themselves (and for commissioners to make some money), as well as start/help run a few events in VR like an exercise event, improv night, and technical backend(my own show going over the dynamics of recording in VR.)
VsChat, Altspace, HiFi, RecRoom, NeosVR
Mal Burns
Mal Burns
Metaworld Inworld Review
Mal Burns is host of the "Inworld Review" - a weekly news and discussion program which has been running for over 10 years. He and Tara Yeats run Metaworld Broadcasting to provide input and output services for TV in virtual worlds and the expertise for the same. Mal has used virtual environments for nearly a decade, is concerned about user interfaces in general and has a wealth of media and design experience behind him. In the organic sphere he is now retired and uses his experience to deploy and promote in immersive spaces. He also has a twitter stream (@malburns) provide news links on a daily basis.
Metaworld Inworld Review
Event Details
This talk will summarize my journey and lessons learned while developing a new virtual world product. I will highlight the many opportunities and challenges that will come your way. I
Event Details
This talk will summarize my journey and lessons learned while developing a new virtual world product. I will highlight the many opportunities and challenges that will come your way. I believe the avatar based virtual world domain is different from traditional spaces where entrepreneurship is encouraged and we will get a chance to address those.
(Saturday) 1:30 pm - 1:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Event Details
This session features a lively debate on the merits of virtual worlds and virtual reality! Our first presenter, Marie Vans, argues that "VR is the future, and the future is
Event Details
This session features a lively debate on the merits of virtual worlds and virtual reality! Our first presenter, Marie Vans, argues that “VR is the future, and the future is now!” Our second presenter, Bethany Winslow, cautions that “Regardless of what VR platforms are used in the future, designers of effective immersive learning with VR must know the history of virtual worlds in education as well as have some hands-on experience in using them.” The sparing partners will be moderated by Dr. Valerie Hill, the director of the Community Virtual Library in Second Life, Avacon, and Kitely.
(Saturday) 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Bethany Winslow / Bethany Winslow
Bethany Winslow / Bethany Winslow
SJSU Instructional Designer
Bethany Winslow is a volunteer with the Community Virtual Library, and an instructional designer at San Jose State University. Her areas of interest include instructional design & training, digital citizenship & literacy, the open source movement & crowd-sourced knowledge (wiki), the Creative Commons, and any other forms of radical collaboration that are disrupting traditional education and access to information. Bethany regularly attends or presents at virtual world events, but she also attends physical world conferences to promote exciting things educators are doing in-world. She finds that despite widespread excitement about virtual reality, many educators have almost no knowledge of the long history of virtual worlds in education. She believes that those who are currently engaged in virtual world exploration will be the most prepared to design effective immersive learning experiences in any of the virtual reality platforms that emerge in the future. Her personal mission is to learn more about VR and VW by doing, and to motivate others to do the same. In 2019 she presented two posters (Immersive Learning Research Network Conference and the CSU Makerspace Convening) illustrating how virtual worlds are accessible, global, environmentally sustainable digital makerspaces where educators can find a vibrant community of practice.
SJSU Instructional Designer
Marie Vans / amvans Lapis
Marie Vans / amvans Lapis
Research Scientist / HP Labs
Dr. Marie Vans holds a Ph.D. in computer science and works as a Research Scientist at Hewlett-Packard. She is an author of over 50 technical papers and holder of 20 U.S. patents. Marie is currently researching virtual reality for use in education.
Research Scientist / HP Labs
Valerie Hill / Valibrarian Gregg
Valerie Hill / Valibrarian Gregg
Director, Community Virtual Library
Dr. Valerie Hill received her MLS from Texas Woman’s University in 2007 and a PhD in Library and Information Science in 2012. Valerie is a library and information science educator with a research focus on the intersection of information literacy and global digital participatory culture and serves as Director of the Community Virtual Library.
Director, Community Virtual Library
14dec3:00 pm3:29 pmBREAKExpo Zone Tour Time3:00 pm - 3:29 pm
(Saturday) 3:00 pm - 3:29 pm
OSCC Expo Regions
(Saturday) 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Bryce Johannes / BoShi Han
Bryce Johannes / BoShi Han
Media Manager / Nuna Art Gallery
Bryce Johannes (avatar: Han Boshi) is Media Manager at Nuna Art Gallery, a software developer at Axero Solutions and author of When People Unite.
Media Manager / Nuna Art Gallery
Kisma Reidling / Juliette Surreal-Dreaming
Kisma Reidling / Juliette Surreal-Dreaming
Co-Curator of 1Biennale
Juliette is the co-curator of 1Biennale and organizes the Hypergrid Hoppers. It is similar to HG Safari, but only once a month and not weekly.
Co-Curator of 1Biennale
Maria Korolov
Maria Korolov
Author, Editor / Hypergrid Business
Maria Korolov is a published author and covers artificial intelligence for CIO magazine and cybersecurity for CSO online. She is also the editor of Hypergrid Business since 2009. During her twenty years as a journalist, she's run a business news bureau in Shanghai, covered wars in the former Soviet Union, and wrote about local politics for the Chicago Tribune. But none of that prepared her for covering OpenSimulator, which has been both intensely frustrating and infinitely enjoyable.
Author, Editor / Hypergrid Business
Reiner Schneeberger / Art Blue
Reiner Schneeberger / Art Blue
AI Developer & Art Curator
Art Blue is known as the most gifted conference speaker because his brain is controlled by an AI, in fact an owl made by Tyrell-Weyland. Luckily he will get assistance by Juliette Surreal-D from Newport Beach, CA -- this way to ensure that his words are made for humans. Reiner stands in ROT13 for ERVA.RE -- at this webpage you get more about his creation Art Blue.
AI Developer & Art Curator
Event Details
The SUNY Empire State College Master's in Learning with Emerging Technology program; better known as MALET has started holding one-day immersive residencies in virtual reality to introduce new students to
Event Details
The SUNY Empire State College Master’s in Learning with Emerging Technology program; better known as MALET has started holding one-day immersive residencies in virtual reality to introduce new students to the faculty, academic colleagues, and to present them with an overview of current programs and alumni projects past and present.
This presentation reports on the events, and conclusions derived from post event debriefings, and presents evidence for continuing exploration and development.
(Saturday) 4:30 pm - 4:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Scott Dolphin
Scott Dolphin
Graduate School Residency / Suny
Scott Dolphin has had a 35 year career in art & design and is now a graduate student in Learning with Emerging Technology at SUNY Empire State College. He has developed a fully immersive VR curriculum for interdicsiplinary art studies as part of his thesis and has become very active in his department in furthering the use of VR for higher education.
Graduate School Residency / Suny
Event Details
After many years of using VR environments in graduate classes, and teaching others how to create these environments within graduate courses, I will be designing pre-developed VR environments for youth,
Event Details
After many years of using VR environments in graduate classes, and teaching others how to create these environments within graduate courses, I will be designing pre-developed VR environments for youth, in K-12 schools and in other youth-oriented organizations. I plan to work with the affordances such as though now coming available through Kitely’s Virtual Private Networks to create a youth-safe interface and a practical registration system, and, very importantly quasi-designed environments that simplifies development while leaving flexibility and optimization by the school or organization itself.
I am working through design considerations for developing the VR interface but also for providing sufficient scaffolding so that other adult instructors will know how to use these spaces effectively with sound pedagogical principles so they can work within the significant advantage that VR can bring to geographically distant ways of instructing youth.
(Saturday) 5:00 pm - 5:20 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Eileen O'Connor
Eileen O'Connor
Professor / MALET, SUNY
During the past 13 years, I have been involved in using VR environments for my students in graduate school at SUNY Empire State College; for the past five years I have taught others how to create education-level open-source environments. I come from a STEM background having been a chemist in government and industry, working for IBM in the 1980s, and completing a master’s in civil engineering. I returned to school for a doctorate in science and technology education and have involved in higher ed venues within the State University of New York over the past 20 years integrating science and technologies with sound pedagogical practices.
Professor / MALET, SUNY
Event Details
Creating an in-world event of any size is a challenging endeavor. For busy educators creating even a single activity can be just another hurdle that prevents the wider adoption of
Event Details
Creating an in-world event of any size is a challenging endeavor. For busy educators creating even a single activity can be just another hurdle that prevents the wider adoption of virtual worlds for teaching and learning. We need stop reinventing the wheel and start creating content in way that we can share with each other. This presentation will showcase a proof of concept immersive learning activity for any virtual world event that will engage your participants and get them excited about the possibilities with using virtual worlds in teaching and learning. What better way to introduce educators, or future educators, to teaching and learning in a virtual environment than with a ready to go activity that you can implement with as little extra work on your part as possible? The presenter will share details on how this immersive event was designed, what tutorials and supportive content is provided, where to go see the in-world example, and how educators can use these resources to replicate this immersive experience at their own events.
(Saturday) 5:30 pm - 5:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Bethany Winslow / Bethany Winslow
Bethany Winslow / Bethany Winslow
SJSU Instructional Designer
Bethany Winslow is a volunteer with the Community Virtual Library, and an instructional designer at San Jose State University. Her areas of interest include instructional design & training, digital citizenship & literacy, the open source movement & crowd-sourced knowledge (wiki), the Creative Commons, and any other forms of radical collaboration that are disrupting traditional education and access to information. Bethany regularly attends or presents at virtual world events, but she also attends physical world conferences to promote exciting things educators are doing in-world. She finds that despite widespread excitement about virtual reality, many educators have almost no knowledge of the long history of virtual worlds in education. She believes that those who are currently engaged in virtual world exploration will be the most prepared to design effective immersive learning experiences in any of the virtual reality platforms that emerge in the future. Her personal mission is to learn more about VR and VW by doing, and to motivate others to do the same. In 2019 she presented two posters (Immersive Learning Research Network Conference and the CSU Makerspace Convening) illustrating how virtual worlds are accessible, global, environmentally sustainable digital makerspaces where educators can find a vibrant community of practice.
SJSU Instructional Designer
Event Details
Join us for the OpenSimulator Community Conference 2019 music showcase. This event will take place Saturday after all presentations are over for the day. It is a chance to network
Event Details
Join us for the OpenSimulator Community Conference 2019 music showcase. This event will take place Saturday after all presentations are over for the day. It is a chance to network and socialize with your fellow #OSCC19 avatar attendees.
Our music lineup:
singer Libertybellow Lyric performs
singer/songwriter/musician James Olmos performs
we close our first night with a DJ set from Shelenn Ayres
(Saturday) 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
OSCC Music Stage
Speakers for this event
DJ Shelenn Ayres
DJ Shelenn Ayres
James Olmos
James Olmos
LibertyBelle Lyric
LibertyBelle Lyric
Event Details
While the use cases for OpenSimulator learning simulations continue to expand, many of the early types of virtual world educational simulations/activities remain relevant today. Attendees will learn about new uses
Event Details
While the use cases for OpenSimulator learning simulations continue to expand, many of the early types of virtual world educational simulations/activities remain relevant today. Attendees will learn about new uses for OpenSimulator learning simulations (including examples of VR-ready simulations) as well as review examples of proven in-world and out-of-world educational simulations. The reasons for the staying power of selected simulations and challenges to the wider use of OpenSimulator learning simulations will be discussed.
(Sunday) 7:00 am - 7:20 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Kay McLennan
Kay McLennan
Professor of Practice, Tulane University
Kay McLennan is a Professor of Practice at the Tulane University School of Professional Advancement. Kay created the Tulane SoPA Metaverse and has been creating and using virtual world learning simulations in her online economics and business studies courses since 2008. Kay uses student feedback to continually refine and expand the educational simulations she creates to use in her e-courses. She has written about her creation and use of OpenSimulator-based learning simulations – read about "Interactivity, Engagement, and Increased Learning Outcomes in 3D Virtual World Educational Simulations" @, “Prisoners’ Dilemma” simulation use case example @, and “Data Detectives Game” simulation use case example @ Also, the video clips from the December 2018 “Mainstreaming Virtual World Learning Colloquium” event (organized by Kay) can be viewed @
Professor of Practice, Tulane University
15dec7:30 am8:20 amFeaturedEchoVoice for OpenSimulatorLisa Laxton & Frank Rulof7:30 am - 8:20 am
Event Details
Presentation Abstract: This presentation from Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA) and Thales Group discusses progress towards improving open source code used in a self-hosted secure voice solution called EchoVoice.
Event Details
Presentation Abstract: This presentation from Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA) and Thales Group discusses progress towards improving open source code used in a self-hosted secure voice solution called EchoVoice. This is an alternative to ViVox which is commonly used for voice communication between avatars in OpenSimulator regions. The discussion is focused on the development work done to provide a modernized solution for HyperGrid-enabled regions as well as planned enhancements not currently available. The work of IMA and Thales is in general directed toward broadening use of the Metaverse for Public, Education, Industry and Government sectors but the community as a whole benefits from open source.
Target Audience & Outcomes: Participants from the OpenSimulator Community at large will learn about enhancements, features, and improvements IMA and Thales are working on together to deliver an open source solution that meets the needs of a broader OpenSim
(Sunday) 7:30 am - 8:20 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Frank Rulof
Frank Rulof
Senior Systems Engineer / Thales Netherlands
Frank Rulof is a Senior Systems Engineer at Thales Netherlands with expertise areas in Training & Simulation. He is leading the research and innovation activities related to Open Simulator technology within the Thales Global Company using multiple Open Simulator grids focused on user needs.
Senior Systems Engineer / Thales Netherlands
Lisa Laxton
Lisa Laxton
R&D, CEO Infinite Metaverse Alliance
Lisa Laxton is the R&D Visionary and CEO of the OpenSimulator community focused Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA). She is also President of Laxton Consulting LLC with experience providing various virtual world technology solutions for education, research, business, and defense clients. You may have seen her around the HyperGrid as Shelenn Ayres busy building content or engaged in testing but she is available via meetings to anyone in the Open Simulator community interested in collaborating to advance virtual worlds technology and/or to improve accessibility.
R&D, CEO Infinite Metaverse Alliance
Natacha Bru
Natacha Bru
Engineering Student / CPE Lyon, France
Natacha Bru is an engineering student at CPE Lyon (France), specialized in network architecture and cyber-security. She works as an intern at Thales NL and has been charged to review the SceneGate viewer security issues.
Engineering Student / CPE Lyon, France
Troy Schultz / Seth Nygard
Troy Schultz / Seth Nygard
CTO & Developer
Troy Schultz (Seth Nygard) is a multi-discipline developer with 30+ years experience in real-time systems for industrial, automotive, and other critical environments. He has worked in the roles of Senior Hardware Designer, Senior Systems Administrator, Engineering Manager, and Chief Technology Officer at various companies and was the owner/operator of Refuge Grid. Combining a keen interest in virtual worlds with his professional experiences he has been an active builder, tester, and developer using Open Simulator.
CTO & Developer
15dec8:30 am8:50 amFeaturedDockerizing OpenSimulatorRobert Adams / MisterBlue Waves8:30 am - 8:50 am
Event Details
There are configuration and setup complexities when adapting OpenSimulator for deployment using Docker. This presentation will detail running OpenSimulator using single containers and multiple containers (simulator and database) whether in
Event Details
There are configuration and setup complexities when adapting OpenSimulator for deployment using Docker. This presentation will detail running OpenSimulator using single containers and multiple containers (simulator and database) whether in standalone or grid mode.
(Sunday) 8:30 am - 8:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Robert Adams / Misterblue Waves
Robert Adams / Misterblue Waves
OpenSimulator Core Developer, BulletSim
Robert Adams has been an OpenSimulator core developer for many years. His OpenSimulator work includes the BulletSim physics engine, the DSG (distributed scene graph) simulator experiment, and many performance improvements. Outside OpenSimulator, he has been a computer developer and researcher for 40 years. He has a current interest in distributed simulation and robotics.
OpenSimulator Core Developer, BulletSim
15dec9:00 am9:29 amBREAKExpo Zone Tour Time9:00 am - 9:29 am
Event Details
Visit the Expo Zones and enjoy the wonderful exhibits from our #OSCC19 sponsors!
Event Details
Visit the Expo Zones and enjoy the wonderful exhibits from our #OSCC19 sponsors!
(Sunday) 9:00 am - 9:29 am
OSCC Expo Regions
Event Details
The 2 year EU funded project GUINEVERE has come to a close and the final project results are being presented. There are quite a few give-aways for the participants in
Event Details
The 2 year EU funded project GUINEVERE has come to a close and the final project results are being presented. There are quite a few give-aways for the participants in form of studies on the theory of game design/ gamification and best practice guidelines for teachers. The GUINEVERE server in OpenSim has been the sandbox for the teacher training and several games have been created which are stunning in variety and building and scripting skills.A mobile app has been developed to use imagery from virtual worlds to create interactive stories by language teachers.
GUINEVERE stands for “Games Used IN Engaging Virtual Environments for Real-time language Education.” The project ( is coordinated by the University of Central Lancashire in the UK together with the University of Istanbul in Turkey, let’s talk online in Belgium, 3DLS in the Netherlands and Italian University Line in Italy.
(Sunday) 9:30 am - 10:20 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Heike Philp
Heike Philp
CEO Let\'s Talk Online SPRL
Heike Philp is CEO of let's talk online sprl, an immersive education specialist for language teaching and learning. She is co-initiator of EU funded LANCELOT (virtual classroom) and AVALON (virtual world) and the CAMELOT project (machinima for language teachers) and GUINEVERE (games in virtual worlds). She is founder of the Virtual Round Table Conference and co-owns EduNation in Second Life.
CEO Let\'s Talk Online SPRL
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas
Dr Michael Thomas is Professor of Higher Education and Online Learning at the University of Central Lancasihre in the UK.
Silvia Benini
Silvia Benini
Senior Research Assistance, GUINEVERE
Dr Silvia Benini works at the University of Central Lancashire (UK) as senior research assistant for the GUINEVERE project and she is also a tutor and lecturer in the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics at the University of Limerick (Ireland).
Senior Research Assistance, GUINEVERE
Event Details
The integration of a web based virtual world in a grid's homepage can attract lots of new users by the ease of access and the ease of use. These users
Event Details
The integration of a web based virtual world in a grid’s homepage can attract lots of new users by the ease of access and the ease of use. These users can then be guided to join your grid to experience OpenSim’s advanced features.
(Sunday) 10:30 am - 10:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Dieter Heyne
Dieter Heyne
CEO Metaverse School
Since 2007 Dieter Heyne is a frequent Metaverse traveller through almost all available grids, evaluating their usability for education, collaboration and entertainment. To provide a safe, simple and reliable entry level access to the metaverse, he started to create his own web based virtual world platform cybaLOUNGE from scratch, which can be accessed from the browser without any installation and plug-ins.
CEO Metaverse School
Steve LaVigne / Steve Franklin
Steve LaVigne / Steve Franklin
Founder, A Dimension Beyond
Steve has been involved in Virtual Worlds since 2006. His involvement has also evolved from Second Life to OpenSim to Web Worlds like CybaLounge. He is a founder of A Dimension Beyond, Inc. a small company doing bleeding edge design and support services for VR, AR, and virtual Worlds. ADB is the North American distributer for CybaLounge. Check us out at
Founder, A Dimension Beyond
15dec11:00 am11:50 amFeaturedSceneGate ViewerLisa Laxton & Frank Rulof11:00 am - 11:50 am
Event Details
This presentation from Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA) and Thales Group discusses development of a new open source viewer for the OpenSimulator community focused on improvements in usability, accessibility, and interoperability.
Event Details
This presentation from Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA) and Thales Group discusses development of a new open source viewer for the OpenSimulator community focused on improvements in usability, accessibility, and interoperability. Development is driven by inclusive “design thinking” while adding capabilities for the future to address gaps in development aimed at the needs of new users and those with different abilities that may be digitally marginalized. The SceneGate Viewer project is one of several R&D projects integrated with decentralized OpenSimulator development supporting the mission to advance virtual worlds, virtual reality, and synthetic environments. The work of IMA and Thales is in general directed toward broadening use of the Metaverse for Public, Education, Industry and Government sectors but the community as a whole benefits from open source.
(Sunday) 11:00 am - 11:50 am
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Frank Rulof
Frank Rulof
Senior Systems Engineer / Thales Netherlands
Frank Rulof is a Senior Systems Engineer at Thales Netherlands with expertise areas in Training & Simulation. He is leading the research and innovation activities related to Open Simulator technology within the Thales Global Company using multiple Open Simulator grids focused on user needs.
Senior Systems Engineer / Thales Netherlands
Lisa Laxton
Lisa Laxton
R&D, CEO Infinite Metaverse Alliance
Lisa Laxton is the R&D Visionary and CEO of the OpenSimulator community focused Infinite Metaverse Alliance® (IMA). She is also President of Laxton Consulting LLC with experience providing various virtual world technology solutions for education, research, business, and defense clients. You may have seen her around the HyperGrid as Shelenn Ayres busy building content or engaged in testing but she is available via meetings to anyone in the Open Simulator community interested in collaborating to advance virtual worlds technology and/or to improve accessibility.
R&D, CEO Infinite Metaverse Alliance
Natacha Bru
Natacha Bru
Engineering Student / CPE Lyon, France
Natacha Bru is an engineering student at CPE Lyon (France), specialized in network architecture and cyber-security. She works as an intern at Thales NL and has been charged to review the SceneGate viewer security issues.
Engineering Student / CPE Lyon, France
Troy Schultz / Seth Nygard
Troy Schultz / Seth Nygard
CTO & Developer
Troy Schultz (Seth Nygard) is a multi-discipline developer with 30+ years experience in real-time systems for industrial, automotive, and other critical environments. He has worked in the roles of Senior Hardware Designer, Senior Systems Administrator, Engineering Manager, and Chief Technology Officer at various companies and was the owner/operator of Refuge Grid. Combining a keen interest in virtual worlds with his professional experiences he has been an active builder, tester, and developer using Open Simulator.
CTO & Developer
15dec12:00 pm12:29 pmMEAL BREAKExpo Zone Tour Time12:00 pm - 12:29 pm
(Sunday) 12:00 pm - 12:29 pm
OSCC Expo Regions
Event Details
We have developed a VR tool for training the ability of public speaking. It shows an environment where the speaker confronts a virtual audience that reacts in real time to
Event Details
We have developed a VR tool for training the ability of public speaking. It shows an environment where the speaker confronts a virtual audience that reacts in real time to the speaker’s features, such as voice or gestures, and to his or her biometrics (heart rate or skin conductivity among others).
In this talk, we present the first unit of experience of this tool, in which we measure the feelings projected by the speaker’s voice tone and his or her gaze direction.
(Sunday) 12:30 pm - 12:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Meriem El Yamri
Meriem El Yamri
Co-Founder, Crowtec, Madrid
Meriem El Yamri, M.Eng, is currently doing her PhD at Complutense University in Madrid. Her main research area is the using of VR to train the ability of public speaking and exploring how to make computers understand human communication. She is also the cofounder of Crowtec, a software and hardware development studio based in Madrid.
Co-Founder, Crowtec, Madrid
Event Details
Join Mal Burns and guests Ilan Tochner, Kalila Lakeworth, and Caitlyn Meeks as they discuss open source worlds and their latest offerings in Kitely Organizations and Tivoli Cloud VR.
Event Details
Join Mal Burns and guests Ilan Tochner, Kalila Lakeworth, and Caitlyn Meeks as they discuss open source worlds and their latest offerings in Kitely Organizations and Tivoli Cloud VR.
(Sunday) 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Caitlyn Meeks
Caitlyn Meeks
Founder & CEO, Tivoli Cloud VR
Founder & CEO of the social VR services platform, Tivoli Cloud VR.
Founder & CEO, Tivoli Cloud VR
Ilan Tochner
Ilan Tochner
Co-Founder & CEO, Kitely
Ilan Tochner is the Co-Founder and CEO of Kitely, the biggest commercial provider of OpenSim regions and the creator of Kitely Market, the leading marketplace serving the Hypergrid metaverse. Ilan formerly held key positions in several startups, including CEO at IDChoice and Director of Infrastructure Development at OmniSky. Ilan has an MBA from Tel Aviv University and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Co-Founder & CEO, Kitely
Kalila Lakeworth
Kalila Lakeworth
Co-founder of
Co-founder of Kasen IO & project manager of Kasen Community Edition, a VR metaverse engine.
Co-founder of
Mal Burns
Mal Burns
Metaworld Inworld Review
Mal Burns is host of the "Inworld Review" - a weekly news and discussion program which has been running for over 10 years. He and Tara Yeats run Metaworld Broadcasting to provide input and output services for TV in virtual worlds and the expertise for the same. Mal has used virtual environments for nearly a decade, is concerned about user interfaces in general and has a wealth of media and design experience behind him. In the organic sphere he is now retired and uses his experience to deploy and promote in immersive spaces. He also has a twitter stream (@malburns) provide news links on a daily basis.
Metaworld Inworld Review
Event Details
The RezMela platform is primarily designed to address common usability issues that end users face when creating and using virtual worlds. We describe its core components: 1. Modules, 2. Apps,
Event Details
The RezMela platform is primarily designed to address common usability issues that end users face when creating and using virtual worlds. We describe its core components: 1. Modules, 2. Apps, 3. App Sets, 4. Map Sets and 5. a Context sensitive Heads Up Display. We illustrate how these components work synergistically to make virtual environments easier to produce and access.
(Sunday) 2:00 pm - 2:20 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Event Details
Our objective is to illustrate an example use case for the RezMela system. We will focus on a few built creative scenes that can be shared by students in order to
Event Details
Our objective is to illustrate an example use case for the RezMela system.
We will focus on a few built creative scenes that can be shared by students in order to achieve specific gaming and learning goals.
(Sunday) 2:30 pm - 2:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Anabel Origin
Anabel Origin
Language Teacher & Lecturer
Anabel Nowak M.A. Language teacher and lecturer, main field Blended Learning. Machinimist.
Language Teacher & Lecturer
15dec3:00 pm3:29 pmBREAKExpo Zone Tour Time3:00 pm - 3:29 pm
(Sunday) 3:00 pm - 3:29 pm
OSCC Expo Regions
Event Details
Join us for an exploration of the liminal state or in-between state that exists between the metagame and players in games and virtual environments. This liminal state has now extended
Event Details
Join us for an exploration of the liminal state or in-between state that exists between the metagame and players in games and virtual environments. This liminal state has now extended to transmedia experiences to include the LitRPG genre. This panel will discuss the exploration of the liminal state where a player (learner) can take advantage of the duality that facilitates deep learning and creativity.
(Sunday) 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Chris Luchs / Abacus Capalini
Chris Luchs / Abacus Capalini
PhD Scholar / CC Leadership
Chris Luchs is a Community College Leadership PhD student at Old Dominion University. He has over twelve years of experience teaching online and f2f at the community college level. His areas of instruction are Business, Accounting, and Multimedia and Graphic Design. In addition to formal college instruction, Chris has a passion for investigating new technologies and collaborating internationally with other educators on evaluating and exploring virtual worlds and games based educational applications.
PhD Scholar / CC Leadership
Kae Novak
Kae Novak
Instructional Designer, PhD student, Univ of Colorado-Denver
Kae Novak is an Instructional Designer for a Colorado community college and is a PhD student at the University of Colorado - Denver. She collaborates with ISTE Games and Simulations Network educators to offer a Just-In-Time series, called “Rapid Responses” whenever they find it necessary to discuss or fact check current events. In her spare time, she leads and facilitates the Metagame Book Club which combines the reading of fiction, game play, and education research.
Instructional Designer, PhD student, Univ of Colorado-Denver
Event Details
Shocking Title for an OpenSim Conference I know, but let me tell you about my OpenSim Journey. This presentation will showcase the work I've done and then try to get
Event Details
Shocking Title for an OpenSim Conference I know, but let me tell you about my OpenSim Journey. This presentation will showcase the work I’ve done and then try to get answers for the depressing decline in schools and teachers interested in OpenSim collaboration and creation. Let’s talk about OpenSim and please change my mind.
(Sunday) 4:30 pm - 4:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Andrew Wheelock / Spiff Whitfield
Andrew Wheelock / Spiff Whitfield
WNYRIC Technology Coordinator
I am an educator, husband, and father of 3!.... after 13 years as an elementary teacher, I slowly found myself gravitating to teaching and learning with technology. I survived the early days of the internet, with turtle slow modems and static webpages to see the incredible age of the technology renaissance. The power and engagement possibilities of today's technology from mobile devices to virtual environments, to gaming is incredible. The true value is harnessing it to make powerful learning experiences, as well as, helping students navigate technology dangers. I have many ideas of my own on how that happens, but I feel I grow much deeper understanding when I talked to other innovative educators. These educators inspire me to go beyond and push the boundaries.
WNYRIC Technology Coordinator
Event Details
This presentation will share an overview of open sim projects developed by the Community Virtual Library. The CVL Hypergrid Resource Library, located in Avacon and Kitely, as well as several
Event Details
This presentation will share an overview of open sim projects developed by the Community Virtual Library. The CVL Hypergrid Resource Library, located in Avacon and Kitely, as well as several other projects will be highlighted.
(Sunday) 5:00 pm - 5:20 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Alyse Dunavant-Jones
Alyse Dunavant-Jones
MLIS Student, SJSU
Alyse Dunavant-Jones earned her MLS at San Jose State University Ischool and has an interest in virtual world librarianship. She is the Assistant Director of the Community Virtual Library.
MLIS Student, SJSU
Marie Vans / amvans Lapis
Marie Vans / amvans Lapis
Research Scientist / HP Labs
Dr. Marie Vans holds a Ph.D. in computer science and works as a Research Scientist at Hewlett-Packard. She is an author of over 50 technical papers and holder of 20 U.S. patents. Marie is currently researching virtual reality for use in education.
Research Scientist / HP Labs
Valerie Hill / Valibrarian Gregg
Valerie Hill / Valibrarian Gregg
Director, Community Virtual Library
Dr. Valerie Hill received her MLS from Texas Woman’s University in 2007 and a PhD in Library and Information Science in 2012. Valerie is a library and information science educator with a research focus on the intersection of information literacy and global digital participatory culture and serves as Director of the Community Virtual Library.
Director, Community Virtual Library
Event Details
Each year, there are 2.5 million newborn deaths, most of which are preventable. One of the top causes of neonatal mortality is when a baby does not breathe at birth.
Event Details
Each year, there are 2.5 million newborn deaths, most of which are preventable. One of the top causes of neonatal mortality is when a baby does not breathe at birth. Newborn resuscitation training reduces newborn deaths, but knowledge and skills from in-person training rapidly decay, sometimes in a matter of weeks after training. While simulation practice using manikins is a proven educational approach, it requires facility space, equipment and supervision, which is often unavailable due to lack of infrastructure, staff shortages and high rates of staff turnover in resource-scarce settings. Virtual simulations are a feasible and acceptable alternative. This presentation traces our path from the Global Health Island on Second Life and Africa Traveler on Open Sim; to the Gates Foundation-funded project: eHBB mobile virtual reality training on neonatal resuscitation for healthcare workers in resource-scarce settings.
(Sunday) 5:30 pm - 5:50 pm
OSCC Keynote Regions
Hypergrid address:
Speakers for this event
Rachel Umoren
Rachel Umoren
Associate Professor of Pediatrics & Global Health
Dr. Rachel Umoren is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Adjunct Associate Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington where she is the Director of the Neonatal Education & Simulation-based Training (NEST) program. She is the Vice-Chair of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Section on Serious Games and Virtual Environments. Her research focuses on using virtual simulations for healthcare professional training in team communication and neonatal resuscitation internationally.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics & Global Health

Event Details
Etheriel 6 – OSCC Afterparty It’s become a tradition! wrap up the inspiring Open Simulator Community Conference by dancing like nobody’s watching (or dance your
Event Details
Etheriel 6 – OSCC Afterparty
It’s become a tradition! wrap up the inspiring Open Simulator Community Conference by dancing like nobody’s watching (or dance your av off). DJ Strannik Z will spin tunes with solid beats and sonic textures that expand your experience beyond your spinning prims! Even if you missed some or all of the conference, come on down to chat with some of the folks that drive our world.
The usual instructions for how to get there are at this link.
Once you are in a hypergrid enabled world, you can put the following in your map: Atoll
After arriving in the main station, there will be a linked poster, or you can take the Tiki Beach subway stop to get to the party.
Public or Invitation Only: Open to All
Maturity Rating: Appropriate for Mature Audiences (M)
Grid Name: DigiWorldz
Grid Website:
HyperGrid Enabled?: Yes
HyperGrid URL: atoll
Region Name: Pirates Atoll
Map Coordinates: 128/128/23
Parcel/Venue Name: Tiki Beach
Check for more info and updates.
(Sunday) 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm PST
Pirates Atoll
Hypergrid address: Atoll
Speakers for this event
DJ Strannik Zipper
17dec3:00 pm5:00 pmAvaCon Grid Holiday Party3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST

Event Details
Join AvaCon, for a holiday party located on the AvaCon Plaza region in the AvaCon grid. This is a chance for final end-of-year networking with other #OSCC19 attendees. You can also
Event Details
Join AvaCon, for a holiday party located on the AvaCon Plaza region in the AvaCon grid.
This is a chance for final end-of-year networking with other #OSCC19 attendees. You can also find out about the events, resources, and programs AvaCon offers, including the Free Virtual Land for Social Good Community on the AvaCon Grid
To attend, you can login with your OSCC conference grid avatar account or another OpenSimulator account that is Hypergrid enabled, and then you can Hypergrid jump to . Copy the url, open the world map, and paste the url in the little search bar on the right! Click on Find and then on Teleport!
You can also create an AvaCon Grid local account at and if you need more info on connecting, go to
Tuesday December 17, 2019 3:00pm – 5:00pm
On AvaCon Grid – HyperGrid address:
- Mature Rating Appropriate for All Ages (G)
- Public or Invitation Only Open to All
- Region Name AvaCon Plaza
- Parcel/Venue Name AvaCon Plaza
(Tuesday) 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST
AvaCon Grid
AvaCon IncOUR MISSION Building community in the metaverse. | Building the metaverse community. | Building the metaverse. AvaCon, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. We hold conventions and meetings to promote educational and scientific inquiry into these spaces, and to support organized fan activities, including performances, lectures, art, music, machinima, and much more. Our primary goal is to connect and support the diverse communities and practitioners involved in co-creating and using virtual worlds, and to educate the public and our constituents about the emerging ecosystem of technologies broadly known as the
Speakers for this event
Joyce Bettencourt
Joyce Bettencourt
AvaCon, Inc., Co-Founder
Joyce Bettencourt is co-founder and Vice President of AvaCon, Inc.(, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality and 3D immersive spaces. AvaCon were organizers of 2010 in Boston & 2011 in Oakland Second Life Community Convention, the Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds virtual workshops, and the ongoing OpenSimulator Community Conference. AvaCon also currently fiscally sponsors the nonprofit community of practice, Nonprofit Commons in Second Life, where Joyce has been a community leader and host of weekly Friday meetings. In addition, she is Creative Director of The Vesuvius Group (, a collaborative studio specializing in developing online immersive and social environments for community-building. Joyce is a 2012 graduate of the Singularity University Graduate Studies program, focused on applying exponential technologies to addressing Global Grand Challenges. Previously she was digital media producer for the Online Leadership Program at the educational nonprofit Global Kids and helped produce digital media learning content including the Second Life Curriculum, many virtual and physical world events, and the social issue game CONSENT! As her avatar Rhiannon Chatnoir, she has organized numerous social good online events, including the Virtual Haiti Relief campaign within the virtual world of Second Life that helped raise awareness and $10,000 USD in virtual micro transactions.
AvaCon, Inc., Co-Founder
Event Details
Join the Community Virtual Library and help us beta test our first OER immersive activity! The activity itself is the creation of a selfie portrait for our Friends of the
Event Details
Join the Community Virtual Library and help us beta test our first OER immersive activity! The activity itself is the creation of a selfie portrait for our Friends of the Library wall in our Gallery. The activity, however, has been designed as an Open Educational Resource (OER) that could be easily implemented to engage your visitors or attendees at an event on your own grid. The idea is, having pre-built instructions and resources to give your participants, so they can get hands-on with an easy building project, will make attending an in-world event ever more fun and engaging.
At this event, we’ll walk participants through the process and share the related OER resources. While visitors to this specific immersive activity are already likely to be somewhat experienced with doing something like this, it’s actually intended for people who have never built anything. The OER materials we’ll share are also designed walk an event organizer through the necessary steps in the hopes that these materials make it easy for anyone to replicate this activity with their participants at their own event.
(Friday) 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Speakers for this event
Bethany Winslow / Bethany Winslow
Bethany Winslow / Bethany Winslow
SJSU Instructional Designer
Bethany Winslow is a volunteer with the Community Virtual Library, and an instructional designer at San Jose State University. Her areas of interest include instructional design & training, digital citizenship & literacy, the open source movement & crowd-sourced knowledge (wiki), the Creative Commons, and any other forms of radical collaboration that are disrupting traditional education and access to information. Bethany regularly attends or presents at virtual world events, but she also attends physical world conferences to promote exciting things educators are doing in-world. She finds that despite widespread excitement about virtual reality, many educators have almost no knowledge of the long history of virtual worlds in education. She believes that those who are currently engaged in virtual world exploration will be the most prepared to design effective immersive learning experiences in any of the virtual reality platforms that emerge in the future. Her personal mission is to learn more about VR and VW by doing, and to motivate others to do the same. In 2019 she presented two posters (Immersive Learning Research Network Conference and the CSU Makerspace Convening) illustrating how virtual worlds are accessible, global, environmentally sustainable digital makerspaces where educators can find a vibrant community of practice.
SJSU Instructional Designer
Event Details
We have built a protected grid to entice new users to join virtual worlds in order to increase their well-being exponentially through lifelong learning. On Sat. Dec 21 @ 11:30
Event Details
We have built a protected grid to entice new users to join virtual worlds in order to increase their well-being exponentially through lifelong learning. On Sat. Dec 21 @ 11:30 am PST we will lead a tour of the grid. The grid will remain open for exploration until midnight that day. After that, only our single hypergrid-able region will be accessible to the general public.
- Public or Invitation Only: Open to All
- Maturity Rating: Appropriate for All Ages (G)
- Grid Name: Virtual Learning Village
- Grid Website: http://virtuallearningvilllage
.org - HyperGrid Enabled?: Yes
- HyperGrid URL: http://virtuallearningvillage.
org:8002 - HyperGrid Region Coordinates: hop://
2/Virtual%20Learning%20HG/178/ 120/33 - Website to Create a Local Account: http://virtuallearningvillage.
org - Region Name: Virtual Learning HG
- Map Coordinates: hop://
2/Virtual%20Learning%20HG/178/ 120/33 - Parcel/Venue Name: Virtual Learning HG
Any other instructions for attendees?: Discord Channel to assist strays: https://discord,gg/WBC8VCT
(Saturday) 11:30 am - 1:00 pm PST
Virtual Learning Village
Speakers for this event
Lynne Berrett / Lissena Wisdomseeker
Lynne Berrett / Lissena Wisdomseeker
Whole Brain Health
Lynne Berrett/Lissena Wisdomseeker is owner of the Virtual Learning Village grid. She has been building a comprehensive program for whole brain health through lifelong learning in Second Life since 2013. She has been active in opensim since 2013.
Whole Brain Health