Learning about Game Development from the Nook Team
Have you ever wanted to bring to life your artistic or training project to make ut more interesting and informative? There are various techniques, usually involving single elements but it can be a huge challenge to come up with a way to synchronize all the moving parts of your build. The Nook Team from Nara’s Nook grid have achieved this with the use of NPCs, and their presentation, called “Game Development in Opensim: Leveling up” will show how the NPC feature of Open Simulator can dramatically enhance the interactivity of a build. Not just people, but whole scenes can appear and disappear, making for a memorable and unique experience that educators and artists of all kinds could use to their benefit.
“We wanted to share what we are doing with NPCs,“ explains Nara, “because we’ve developed a tool that lets creators tell animated stories or build in-world adventure games all running from a single script a visitor can activate. “
Group members Nara Malone, Dorena Bree, and Siobhan Muir have been working together for over a decade at digital storytelling, and have been enthusiastic participants at the OSCC for almost as long. They will be demonstrating their techniques with an appropriately seasonal story that will involve and delight the audience and hopefully inspire us all to have more interactive and animated builds.

Game Development in opensim Sunday 10 December at 10.30am SLT