Science Circle Grid: Online collaboration and home for science education

The Science Circle has been a longstanding group promoting science dialog for almost 15 years. For 9 years now we have also supported an OpenSimulator grid to take advantage of that platform for building and participate in that open virtual platform. We first review the capabilities and size of the current grid as well as some of the history of its technology.
The grid is now also home to the formerly self-hosted Virtual Islands for Better Education islands: Nova Archaeology and Genome Island. The story of that transition and technical learning lessons will be discussed.
Finally, an overall look at the grid and its regions will be presented including the aforementioned as well as Virtual Abyssinia (also its own independent talk). A review of its usage and potential for future collaborations will round out our talk. The Science Circle has been a longstanding group promoting science dialog for almost 15 years. For 9 years now we have also supported an OpenSimulator grid to take advantage of that platform for building and participate in that open virtual platform. We first review the capabilities and size of the current grid as well as some of the history of its technology.



Dec 11 2022


8:30 am - 9:00 am




Keynote Auditorium


  • zz Stephen Gasior / Stephen Xootfly
    zz Stephen Gasior / Stephen Xootfly

    Stephen Gasior is a molecular biology scientist with a past stint in higher education. During his teaching phase he taught classes and developed learning activities in Second Life and OpenSimulator. In addition, he helped develop collaborations between other educators culminating in Virtual Islands for Better Education which was a self-hosting OpenSimulator education group. Currently, he is focusing his efforts on promoting Science Circle activities.

  • zz Agustin Martin / Quaezar Agnonmen
    zz Agustin Martin / Quaezar Agnonmen

    Agustin Martin (RL) / Quaezar Agnomen (OS-SL), Grid and IT specialist of NGO The Science Circle.

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