Dream Pop Rave at Pirates Atoll
Etheriel 7 – Dream Pop Rave (After Party)
After conspiring about the next Opensim takeover of the world, come down to Tiki Beach on Pirate’s Atoll for an afterparty and dance your av off! DJ Strannik Z will spin toons with a Dream Pop / Shoegaze focus.
The usual instructions for how to get there are at this link.
Once you are in a hypergrid enabled world, you can put the following in your map: login.digiworldz.com:8002:Pirates Atoll
After arriving in the main station, there will be a linked poster, or you can take the Tiki Beach subway stop to get to the party.
Public or Invitation Only: Open to All
Maturity Rating: Appropriate for Mature Audiences (M)
Grid Name: DigiWorldz
Grid Website: http://piratesatoll.com
HyperGrid Enabled?: Yes
HyperGrid URL: http://login.digiworldz.com:8002:pirates atoll
Region Name: Pirates Atoll
Map Coordinates: 128/128/23
Parcel/Venue Name: Tiki Beach
Check http://piratesatoll.com for more info and updates.