Virginia Dickenson / Xenon Darrow (Poster Booth #15)
About Speaker
Xenon Darrow has been in virtual worlds since 2006. She was originally in Second Life and an active participant in helping others learning virtual world skills, as well as bringing corporate learning into the virtual world and using it's components to create learning in the real world. She has been an active denizen in OpenSim for about 3.5 years, currently residing at Wolf Territories. She has a personal learning project called Inspiring Learning Spaces in the Virtual World and another for teaching instructional systems design in an immersive environment. She is the founder of WolfTEC - Wolf Territories Educational Community, as well as the Wolf Territories ambassador for VWEC - Virtual Worlds Education Consortium. Xenon is a real life instruction designer at a major medical school, often using AI and virtual world media for content and design. She had a learning and development business for over 32 years, with the core of her clients being Fortune 50 companies. She has worked with & in higher education for over 13 years.