HG Safari – Season 3 begins

HS Safari at Blogspot: https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/

How can I find out about upcoming Safari trips?

Inworld, look for this sign:

The Safari landmarks are available at the clubhouse on OSGrid.

They are in the giant prim marked LANDMARKS very close to the landing point. Usually they are available no less than 12 hours before the Safari, and remain in the dispenser for a week.
Social media: 
There are groups on Facebook, MeWe, Discord that feature upcoming events, also under the HG Safari region on opensimworld.com – don’t forget to ‘Like’ the region!
Important: These social media posts have the HG address of the region, but it’s best to come to OSGrid and get the inworld notecard, because sometimes there are last minute changes, or typos, and the LM is your safest bet to join the group successfully.


Sep 14 2022


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Community Event