Friday Night Blues Party at Rockin’ The Blues

Friday night Blues Party featuring two of the best blues DJ’s on the hypergrid–DJ Macy from 6 to 7:30 pm PST, and DJ Kith from 7:30 to 9 pm PST. Rockin’ The Blues (RTB) music venue is situated at the edge of the swamp, close to a replica of N’Awlins, on the beautiful Wyldwood Bayou Grid. For 10 years, the DJ’s at RTB have been spinning awesome blues tunes, and the regulars at the venue have been welcoming friends and visitors to dance and enjoy the fun!


Grid url:

Region Name: Wyldwood Bayou

Coordinates: 379, 639, 24

Parcel / Venue Name: Rockin’ The Blues


Dec 17 2021


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Community Event