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WALKING THE DEAD: Using Motion Capture to Reanimate Life

Learn about Motion Capture (MOCAP) with both free for use and commercial technologies as we reanimate zombie and human characters with body and facial movements and lip sync. We will also discuss Computer Vision and the 12 Principals of Animation in this workshop.

How to Attend

This workshop will be held in Zoom and we are asking that attendees register using this link:


Event Time: 2Pm PST

Download Slides : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MoR3mgI0Bg4lDfjSlIni7NTZnEeCWUgy/view?usp=sharing


Dec 16 2021


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm




  • Dave Fliesen / Sun Tzu
    Dave Fliesen / Sun Tzu

    David is a Character Creator, MOCAP and iClone MOCAP Animator, Unity Game Designer, and Metaverse Consultant in the area of Charleston, South Carolina. His past work has included game-based design for the military and designing an undergraduate course on virtual worlds for Rasmussen College. He is a digital aborigine, who aspires to find new, innovative, and creative ways to use gaming and virtual world technologies to make the world a better place.
    – Portfolio: http://character-animator.weebly.com/

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