It is important that all communications related to the OpenSimulator Community Conference use official logos, color schemes, and other elements to keep our branding consistent. As you create graphics, images, blog posts, or other communications, please use the following elements in all conference related materials.
OpenSimulator title font: Century Gothic Bold
Web and Communications font: Open Sans (Google font)
Color Palette
OpenSimulator Green: Hex: #7AD410 | RGB: 122, 212, 16 | HSB: 88, 92, 83
| CMYK: 55, 0, 100, 0
Complimentary Light Green: Hex: #A0CE4E | RGB: 160, 206, 78 | HSB: 82, 62, 81
| CMYK: 42, 0, 90, 0
OpenSimulator Blue: Hec: #1170c2 | RGB: 17, 112, 194 | HSB: 208, 91, 76
| CMKY: 85, 54, 0, 0
OpenSimulator Black: Hex: #000000 | RGB: 0, 0, 0 | HSB: 0, 0, 0
| CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90
Dark Grey: Hex: #333333 | RGB: 51, 51, 51 | HSB: 0, 0, 20
| CMYK: 69, 63, 62, 58
Light Grey: Hex: #BFBFBF | RGB: 191, 191, 191 | HSB: 0, 0, 75
| CMYK: 25, 20, 20, 0
Conference Banner
OpenSimulator Logo – Square
OpenSimulator Logo & Name – Banner
OpenSimulator Background Image – Repeat