We appreciate whatever help you can provide in communicating with people and using your social networks to spread the word about the OpenSimulator Community Conference, but we also want to make sure the left hand always knows what the right hand is doing, so please make sure your communications are always super professional and on message. If someone asks you a question that you don’t know the answer to, or if you know the answer but it hasn’t been publicly announced yet, please refer them to email opensim@avacon.org rather than give out bad information or information that we’ve not fully vetted.
For major announcements, we create a communication document with text formatted for group notices, notecards, emails, tweets, etc. and would ask that you use the template for blasts to your in-world groups and networks to ensure our communications are always consistent. Be sure to use the OCC13 Communication Channels spreadsheet to mark down what in-world groups, email listservs, or other communication channels you would like to cover and update it anytime you send out a notice so we’re sure not to spam the same groups with multiple announcements.
If you see a controversy brewing on a forum or discussion board, please alert a conference planning team member asap, but don’t respond to the bait yourself. In the past, well meaning but misguided attempts to address questions or concerns on various fora have become PR disasters and we don’t want to see that happen.
Above all, please remember that you are a representative of the Overte Foundation and AvaCon and the OpenSimulator Community Conference any time you post anything anywhere related to the conference. Use common sense and professional demeanor and language in all of your communications about the conference and everything will work out great.
Have questions or concerns? Seek out a conference planning team member if you’re ever in doubt about what to say!