Looking Back to the Future (panel)
Watch this session recording:
Panel discussion moderated by Mal Burns.
Expected panelists:
Dr. Fran
Doug Thomopson
Doug Thompson / Dusan WriterChief Ideas Officer, Bureau of Bright Ideas Ltd. Strategy and the Metaverse.
Doug is the CEO and Chief Ideas Officer at the Bureau of Bright Ideas. He is also blogging about the Metaverse at Out of Scope. He has been working in and writing about the Metaverse for close to 15 years, and was the producer (and sometime host) of Metanomics, the world’s first “serious talk show” about the Metaverse. On his previous blog, he wrote close to 750,000 words about virtual worlds, identity, the Metaverse and governance.
Fran Babiss / DrFran Babcock
DrFran has been an avid hobbyist in Virtual Worlds since April of 2006, with a first foray into Second Life. Since then she has participated in many, many worlds running philosophy and tech salons in High Fidelity, Sansar, and Vircadia.
While remaining a hobbyist user, she has learned a bit of Blender, Unreal, and Marvelous Designer, but is ALWAYS in it more for the social and fun aspects rather than for profit. -
Mal Burns
Mal Burns is host of the “Inworld Review” – a weekly news and discussion program which has been running for over 10 years. He and Tara Yeats run Metaworld Broadcasting to provide input and output services for TV in virtual worlds and the expertise for the same. Mal has used virtual environments for nearly a decade, is concerned about user interfaces in general and has a wealth of media and design experience behind him. In the organic sphere he is now retired and uses his experience to deploy and promote in immersive spaces. He also has a twitter stream (@malburns) provide news links on a daily basis.