Marguerite Duras – Les Amours Solitudes – Hypergrid
Like last year, we welcome people coming from hypergrid this time in the region called i3dim in OSGRID.
The landing is at the welcome area of 3Dim region then using a TP or directly on sky at the starting point of the story. The visit needs about 40 minutes.
“Biopoetry” from Denis Morin, francophone author from Quebec, about the famous french author of books and cinema movies : Marguerite Duras, that ADRET WEB ART records in audio by Jacqueline and Jean Claude Barral who are french comedians, and that Jenny Bihouise aka Cheops Forlife builds inworld as an immersive story imaginated with Jacqueline Barral as a stage director. Once more, we are offering a new multimedia and truly immersive creation sized for the avatars and using many Opensim features such as parcelled audio mixed with local scripted sounds, animeshes, Moaps …
Jacqueline Barral
Jacqueline and Jean-Claude Barral. Previously theatre actors from south of France, stage directors…Now still creating but remotely, and Jacqueline developping mutlimedia audio cards (to find in their website named here above )
Jean-Claude Barral
Jacqueline and Jean-Claude Barral. Previously theatre actors from south of France, stage directors…Now still creating but remotely, and Jacqueline developping mutlimedia audio cards (to find in their website named here above )
Jenny Bihouse / Cheops Forlife
Building for 13 years in OpenSimulator, first for bringing applications for remote training or meeting or various other uses to RL people, then for creating in a collaborative way with RL artists. Previously developing methods about empowerment for welfare organisations.