An easy to implement OpenSimulator front-end with WordPress and W4OS
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As WordPress is one of the most popular CMS, I wanted to fill the gap and create an easy to setup front-end. While there were some attempts in this way, they were not ready to use solutions, more like pieces of puzzle to bring together. So started the development of W4OS (aka WordPress For OpenSimulator). The plugin is now tested and published, and allows showing the grid status, user grid registration and even the choice of initial avatar. Next goal is to add web grid profile, user region controls, some admin features and integrations like 2do HYPEvents calendar or web assets server.
Magic Oli
“Born and raised in Belgium, I have been infographist. In 94, I worked in one of the first companies dedicated to web content and created from scratch what would be called later a CMS. From then, I developed my skills, including web design, web development and network management). Web design remains my main activity (my side activity being songwriting and performing), and as for now, I developed and maintain a few dozens of websites for several clients.
When the first virtual worlds began to appear, I saw it as the next replacement of online forums, very popular by this time. And when real-time 3D rendering was added, like in Second Life, I embraced it as the next evolution of the worldwide web (yes, it’s a slow move) and created Speculoos World in 2011. The initial goal was to introduce Belgian people to this new environment, but it slowly became a more generic project.
For the needs of Speculoos grid, I developed some in-house solutions, like an installation setup for Debian, enhanced some existing solutions, like a unified set of helper scripts, and made some small contributions to OpenSim core.”